Motorsport-Paintings Ole Steinert

welcomes you!

Rallye Portugal 1973

Motorsports, Technology and the fitting emotions:

On my website you can find motorsport-paintings, which hold the unforgettable moments of rallyesport and racing, so that the viewer is captured by the motorsport-enthusiasm.

Change your home into a motorsports atmosphere! Imagine the scent of oil, fuel, cars, garage…. Decorate your livingroom, your house, with paintings of wild cars, cars which are nervous before their insert. Just to be controled by talented drivers with their sense for racing. Emotions which the painter wants to catch in his paintings. Wild cars which imprint the development of modern vehicles. Vehicles which have became symbols of motorsports, cars which gained international prestige and got international victories . Legendary drivers, cars and brands which are milestones – until today. Have you also immortalised such a milestone in your living room or where ever you want. Always remember the great feeling of motorsports…..

Find a choice of my paintings in the gallery. Let the paintings make you feeling motorsports – in your house, away from any race track. Have you already felt the dust and the undescribable feeling of motorsports? Can you hear the unique sund of the machines, can you recognize the grumbling in your berly when a rallye car is passing you? Then get in touch with me. You can find the important data at „Contact“.


It is the ambience that connects painter, client and paintings. Because of that it is a matter of course that I am with my paintings at motorsport-events. This is also the time to communicate with my. On that way we can speak about orders or other things which you want to know about my paintings.

See the list of events by clicking here: